Jordan’s modern wastewater treatment and sanitation initiatives started as early as 1968 and developments continued in earnest to this day. More than 93% of Jordanians have access to improved sanitation, one of the highest rates in the Middle East and North Africa regions.

In 2020, the Water Authority of Jordan embarked on a new project to improve the sewerage systems of northern Jordan’s west Irbid area. The European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) financed this project, which was divided into 7 contracts and packages.

Awarded the project Engicon would provide detailed studies for upgrading the existing sanitary systems and developing new infrastructure, serving 17 towns (20,000 households) in Irbid, up to the year 2045. The new development lays a network of public sewer systems, including 9 wastewater pumping stations, to serve a catchment area of approximately 21.9 km².

The job includes preliminary engineering design reports, tender documents and detailed design drawings for approximately 400 kilometers of sewer lines (steel pipe of 200 to 800 mm in diameter range). Construction supervision was also assigned to the company. 

Engicon is also providing a comprehensive environmental and social impact assessment, as well as the Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP).


 Services Provided:

  • Wastewater Networks
  • Infrastructure Planning
  • Environmental and Social Impact Assessments
  • Resettlement Action Plan
  • Instrumentation Control and Automation
  • Pumping Stations
  • Detailed Design
  • Tender Documents
  • Contract Administration and Construction Supervision