Jordan’s Ministry of Public Works & Housing planned for a project to upgrade the vital highway network facilitating transportation between Jordan and Iraq.
The project would expand the road interconnecting the Zarqa, Mafraq and Jabber highway network with the Karameh border crossing into a four-lane separate highway, with service roads at urbanized stretches.A separate intersection on a road intersection was also designed.
Engicon, contracted in 2012, did the structural designs for 8 bridges, 5 tunnels, underpasses and box culverts. The project required the preparation of an environmental, social impact assessment (ESIA) and traffic studies.
Preparation of terms of reference and scoping statement, baseline, biodiversity, air quality, social and archeological surveys were also performed. Part of Engicon’s job included preparing street lighting designs and an electrical low-voltage grid design, as well as the highway’s electrical infrastructure, signage and marking.
Services Provided:
- Traffic Engineering and Planning
- Highways
- Bridges
- Storm Management
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
- Geological and Geotechnical Engineering
- Quantity Surveying
- Detailed Design
- Tender Documents